Stations of the Nativity
December 1 - 31
Daily from Dawn to Dusk
Experience the story of Jesus’ birth as you traverse through our beautiful campus while listening to an inspiring audio-guided message. The tour is located on the St. Andrew Campus, beginning at Hasley Chapel Patio. The Hasley Chapel is located in the northwest corner of our campus.

Stations of the Nativity
First Station | The Annunciation of John the Baptist’s Birth – A priest named Zechariah is visited by the angel Gabriel and given a promise of a future son, John the Baptist, who will have the vocation of preparing the way for Jesus and his coming ministry.
Second Station | The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary – A young virgin-girl named Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel and given a promise of a future son, Jesus, who will be both fully God and fully Man… the long-awaited Messiah and Savior of the world.
Third Station | The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth – Cousins, Mary and Elizabeth, rejoice in their visit to learn that God is including them in the grand mission of bearing two important sons. One will be the acolyte (John), the other is the True Light (Jesus).
Fourth Station | The Magnificat – As Mary responds to God’s call on her life, she sings the famous words of the Magnificat, “my soul glorifies the Lord!”
Fifth Station | The Birth of John the Baptist –Similarly, Zechariah responds in song, rejoicing in the exclamation of hope that entered the world upon the birth of his son, John the Baptist.
Sixth Station | Joesph’s Dream – An angel of the Lord appeared to a nervous Joseph in a dream preparing him for the vocation as husband to Mary, and earthly father to Jesus, as he is told this baby will be the only one who can “save people from their sins.”
Seventh Station | The Nativity of Jesus – Jesus is born! The grand mystery of the Incarnation has arrived as our God has become human and remains divine. The True Light of the world is born!
Eighth Station | The Shepherds at The Manger – An essential part of the Christian faith is witnessing God’s activity in this world, and these shepherds are given a front row seat to the pinnacle experience.
Ninth Station | The Visit of Magi – Those men who likely were rich in wealth and status, fall prostrate in front of the baby who is also God. Jesus has been witnessed by the magi and deserves all of our worship.
Tenth Station | Presenting Jesus in The Temple & Meeting Simeon – Per ritual, Jesus’ parents bring him to the temple, where a man named Simeon is waiting to see the Messiah. As soon as he sees Jesus, he praises God because his life’s purpose has been fulfilled.