Welcome to Worship

As Christians, we are called to worship both as a church body and as individuals. At St. Andrew, we embrace the time spent together in worship and prioritize delivering two different but equally engaging worship experiences – traditional and contemporary. The styles are very different, but both are designed to foster a fuller knowledge of God while we stand beside each other as confessors of the Christian faith.

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Worship at St. Andrew

We are passionate about finding new ways to attract people to Christ.

We know nothing replaces coming together in worship and the way it allows us to glorify God as a community and grow together in our faith. That’s why we place so much importance upon the creation of our different worship experiences.

Each weekend, we offer two styles of worship services – traditional and contemporary. Both are a priority here, and each has the focus of dedicated staff and teams to make each the best it can be.

Each service offers a different way to engage with St. Andrew, whether you prefer traditional worship and the powerful music of our Chancel Choir, or a more modern experience with a live band and new technologies. Whichever you choose, you will experience a sermon based in the Bible with familiar stories told in fresh ways, engaging music (in the flavor of your choosing), and people ready to help you settle in and make this community your home.

Finding a worship style and service that fits you or your family is important. You’re here to continue a journey, to grow in God and to live a life transformed by following Jesus. That’s not going to happen if you don’t feel at home and welcomed.

Please join us.