Prayer is an important part of our relationship with God. We have a beautiful space in Room 119A dedicated to praying for our church members who have requested prayer. Resources are available to enhance your own prayer life as you intercede for others. Consider dedicating one hour a week, biweekly, or monthly to this powerful ministry.
Greet those as they enter the doors and halls of St. Andrew with a positive attitude, a friendly smile, and a warm welcome! Greeters are often one of the first people someone new to our church may meet. Greeters arrive at least 20 minutes before the worship service and typically stay at their post until about 5-10 minutes after worship begins to greet latecomers. We encourage children/students to volunteer with an adult as a greeter.
Ushers provide hospitality to everyone coming to worship. Volunteers should come with a positive attitude, providing a smile and warm welcome to all. Ushers should arrive at least 20 minutes before the worship service and typically stay until about 10 minutes after worship begins to greet latecomers, distribute bulletins, and assist them with finding seats if needed. Ushers will work as a team to pass the offering, as well as dismiss by rows on Communion days. We encourage children/students to volunteer with an adult as an usher.
Drivers are the first to welcome guests and members to our church with a warm and friendly greeting. Drivers provide easy access from the parking lot to the church building. Drivers are required to attend an easy 10 minute training on operation and safety of the golf carts. Drivers will arrive 20 minutes before the worship service and stay about 10 minutes after worship begins to greet latecomers.
Communion Sundays are typically the first Sunday of every month.
Gary's Angels, our Special Needs Ministry, believes that God made each individual in his image. It is our privilege to walk alongside these valuable members of our church family. Our mission is to provide a safe, positive, welcoming environment for individuals with special needs (physical, intellectual, mental, behavioral, or any combination). Our volunteers are the hands and heart of Jesus and provide support for these students in the mainstream environment with their peers or the special needs classroom. Contact Briana Meixelsperger for more information.
Join a small group responsible for restocking the pews with cards. Time commitment: 1 hour.