02/25/2023 - 02/26/2023

The Kingdom of Heaven

Rerouting The Kingdom of Heaven

In Matthew 3, upon seeing Jesus, John the Baptist boldly proclaims that the Kingdom of Heaven has drawn near. It is fully understood by John that Jesus will usher in a new Kingdom that will be the paradise that God has always envisioned for the world. The question has always been what that will look like. Beginning a series with the sermon on the mount by diving into the Beatitudes is essential because the Beatitude provide an image of the Kingdom of Heaven. We see an image of what we will find in Heaven, and by contrast, what we will not find in that Kingdom. In here, we see how God will redefine things that bring joy and happiness; the things that allow us to experience the blessings of God. For this reason, we will be a city on a hill, a beacon for others to look to and follow themselves.

  • Dr. Scott Engle | 02/26/2023 | 9:30 Traditional

  • Rev. Jimmy Decker | 02/26/2023 | 9:30 Contemporary

  • Rev. Jimmy Decker | 02/26/2023 | 11:00 Contemporary

  • Date: 02/25/2023 - 02/26/2023
  • 02/26/2023 9:30 Dr. Scott Engle | Traditional
  • 02/26/2023 9:30 Rev. Jimmy Decker | Contemporary
  • 02/26/2023 11:00 Rev. Jimmy Decker | Contemporary