02/18/2023 - 02/19/2023

The Author and Finisher of Our Faith

The Christ The Author and Finisher of Our Faith

Jesus is more than a distant ruler or authority in a castle. Authority is authorship. To whomever you give authority in your life, you give the ability to write your life’s story. Hebrews is clear: when we follow Jesus, Jesus becomes our author. When we allow Jesus to author our lives, we become a new creation. Consider one of many transfigurations that happen through Scripture when we submit to the authority of the Lord. Gideon said, “Forget it, unless you send me better brothers, I’m not doing anything!” But Gideon the Timid became the Gideon the greatest judge of all of Israel. This may happen to us as well, when we allow Jesus to be our author.

A new season is a new opportunity to return to first things. Let us begin with the most important thing. On what is the foundation of our faith built? On nothing less the Jesus’ blood and righteousness. On Christ the solid rock we stand. The unique claim of Christianity in world history is the person of Jesus Christ. As the apostle Paul wrote, “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor 15:3). This single event — the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ — is the hinge of history.

  • Rev. Arthur Jones | 02/19/2023 | 9:30 Traditional

  • Rev. Arthur Jones | 02/19/2023 | 11:00 Contemporary

  • Date: 02/18/2023 - 02/19/2023
  • 02/19/2023 9:30 Rev. Arthur Jones | Traditional
  • 02/19/2023 11:00 Rev. Arthur Jones | Contemporary