12/02/2023 - 12/03/2023

Isaiah: Prophecy of the Savior Being Born

Do we understand where the story of Christmas begins? This season, we will rediscover the original story from which our favorite Christmas scriptures are inspired and fulfilled. The Jewish people revered the prophet Isaiah, who brought a message from the Lord most high, which promised hope in a savior. We have talked about why we need a savior: to redeem us and all of creation back to God, reunite us with Him, get rid of sin, and ultimately invite us to eternity with Him. Now that we know why we need a savior, let us take this Advent to contemplate how this story is embedded in one much larger than what the world has to offer us. Isaiah 9 clearly describes who this savior is to be, so let’s connect the dots to Isaiah and the familiar story we know and love of Christ’s birth.

  • Rev. Arthur Jones | 12/03/2023 | 9:30 Traditional

  • Rev. Jimmy Decker | 12/03/2023 | 9:30 Contemporary

  • Rev. Arthur Jones | 12/03/2023 | 11:00 Contemporary

  • Date: 12/02/2023 - 12/03/2023
  • 12/03/2023 9:30 Rev. Arthur Jones | Traditional
  • 12/03/2023 9:30 Rev. Jimmy Decker | Contemporary
  • 12/03/2023 11:00 Rev. Arthur Jones | Contemporary