Choose Heaven

Watch Missio Dei, High Grace High Expectations, and Exodus Now!

Missio Dei

We are not here by accident. We are here on purpose, with a mission. The goal of the Christian life is to care about people’s souls and their physical needs so that we can be the hand and the feet of Christ.

High Expectations High Grace

When Jesus encountered people, he loved them where they are, but still have High Expectations for who they could become. That remains the best way to live here and now and to Choose Heaven here and forever more.


The story of God’s salvation is not individual, but communal. Thru him naming himself with Moses, he defined himself in relationship to us in a way that truly became known on the cross.


Do you end your day worrying about what tomorrow is going to hold? Or do you end the day thanking God that he is going to solve all the problems?

Fruit of the Spirit

Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self Control.