Students currently enrolled have priority placement in the program.
Children of St. Andrew Methodist Church full-time staff members and children of St. Andrew Preschool staff.
Siblings of returning or exiting 4-year-old and/or Pre-K 5 students whose parents are church members as of the last day of the previous church calendar year.
Siblings of returning or exiting 4-year-old and/or Pre-K 5 students whose parents are not St. Andrew Methodist Church members.
Children of St. Andrew Methodist Church members, as of the last day of the previous church calendar year, who have been on the waiting list since the previous registration.
Children new to St. Andrew Preschool whose parents/guardians are church members as of the last day of the previous calendar year.
New children of parents who have become St. Andrew Methodist Church members since the last day of the previous calendar year.
Children of parents who are not St. Andrew Methodist Church members who have been on the wait list since the previous registration.
Children new to St. Andrew Preschool whose parents are not St. Andrew Methodist Church members.