Message: “Transformation on Mission – Contemporary 9:30 AM” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Jimmy Decker - January 21, 2024

The Social Order - Contemporary 9:30 AM

When we hear mission, sometimes we think of actionable, missionary focused projects (ex: like swinging a hammer at habitat for humanity). Mission can be understood within the social order as: seeking the right, just, and true way forward for the Kingdom of God practically and socially embodied here in our world today. This world ought to see the heart of God via the church’s outpouring of mission focused work and identity – in seeking to pray, support, change, and bring about new ways to experience God’s loving-kindness. The Lord’s prayer is a key to this practical expression as we see the exact words that Jesus taught his friends to pray. While it is necessary to include this description in the overarching definition of Mission, it is important to remember there is more to mission than the material... Next week we will talk about the lens of defining mission through the emphasis on the spiritual.

From Series: "Missio Dei"

From the very beginning of scripture, we see that God creates with purpose and out of love. The purpose for the humans, who he makes in his image, is to carry forth the mission of God. The Latin phrase is “missio dei”, which translates into “the mission of God”. In this series, we will discover the robust meaning of “mission” according to scripture, and why it matters for us today.

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