Message: “Transformation on Mission – Contemporary 9:30 AM” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Jimmy Decker - February 11, 2024

Transformation on Mission - Contemporary 9:30 AM

Missio Dei

One of the most pivotal moments in the Gospels is when Jesus is transfigured. To be transfigured doesn’t mean to be changed into something brand, rather it means to be changed and revealed for something that is already there! In the transfiguration account, the men on the mountain with Jesus receive the opportunity to see Jesus as he truly is: full of glory. It is in these moments when God feels so near, when we feel inspired to grow and dive into the next chapter...that we are energized. There is an electric type of excitement when we can see clearly, because then it motivates us to GO and DO something about what we have seen or learned! The missio dei is not static, it is active.

From Series: "Missio Dei"

From the very beginning of scripture, we see that God creates with purpose and out of love. The purpose for the humans, who he makes in his image, is to carry forth the mission of God. The Latin phrase is “missio dei”, which translates into “the mission of God”. In this series, we will discover the robust meaning of “mission” according to scripture, and why it matters for us today.

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