Archives: Messages

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” God is love, and authentically grace-filled, so the desire of his heart is that we would live out that model purely. Of course, that is difficult. Jesus speaks many times in the Gospels about the journey he is on and his warnings of how it will end in a surprising persecution. Lent is a time we remember the reality of Jesus’ suffering. The word cruciform is a fancy word for “cross-shaped”. In God’s Missio Dei, we are all called to live a “cross-shaped” life. That means sacrificially loving and serving our neighbor, fixing our eyes on God, and following the teachings of Jesus. Lent is the perfect season to reorient our life habits so that we can embrace the model set before us. Life isn’t always easy, and the expectations are high, but with God it is possible to grow in purity, love, and graciousness.

A message from the series “Acts.”

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” Sharing meals together is evident in scripture as a sort of bonding and friendship among Christians. During Lent, we are focused on the major mealtime story in the Gospels – the institution of Holy Communion. Jesus’ giving of himself is one of the greatest pinnacles of the Missio Dei. This is why the church calls it “Celebrating” Holy Communion – because it is truly one of the greatest gifts and gestures from God in the whole of the world. Every time we come to this table of bread and juice, we are reminded that God’s mission is one of high expectations of a Messiah, who exhibited high grace for his beloved creation.

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” Sharing meals together is evident in scripture as a sort of bonding and friendship among Christians. During Lent, we are focused on the major mealtime story in the Gospels – the institution of Holy Communion. Jesus’ giving of himself is one of the greatest pinnacles of the Missio Dei. This is why the church calls it “Celebrating” Holy Communion – because it is truly one of the greatest gifts and gestures from God in the whole of the world. Every time we come to this table of bread and juice, we are reminded that God’s mission is one of high expectations of a Messiah, who exhibited high grace for his beloved creation.

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” Sharing meals together is evident in scripture as a sort of bonding and friendship among Christians. During Lent, we are focused on the major mealtime story in the Gospels – the institution of Holy Communion. Jesus’ giving of himself is one of the greatest pinnacles of the Missio Dei. This is why the church calls it “Celebrating” Holy Communion – because it is truly one of the greatest gifts and gestures from God in the whole of the world. Every time we come to this table of bread and juice, we are reminded that God’s mission is one of high expectations of a Messiah, who exhibited high grace for his beloved creation.

A message from the series “Acts.”

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” Mission is about both the social order AND souls, for us Wesleyans. We mustn’t feel the need the select an isolated definition, but rather we are encouraged to adopt a new framework by starting with the end in mind. Turn your attention to the biblical theme of “Heaven on Earth”. Someday, the glory of united souls with God and righteous justice of the social order will all coalesce in the reality of the pure and holy reign of God’s kingdom made fully manifest here on earth. Until Jesus returns, our deep calling within the missio dei is to work to bring about as much of the heavenly order of life, here and now.

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” Mission is about both the social order AND souls, for us Wesleyans. We mustn’t feel the need the select an isolated definition, but rather we are encouraged to adopt a new framework by starting with the end in mind. Turn your attention to the biblical theme of “Heaven on Earth”. Someday, the glory of united souls with God and righteous justice of the social order will all coalesce in the reality of the pure and holy reign of God’s kingdom made fully manifest here on earth. Until Jesus returns, our deep calling within the missio dei is to work to bring about as much of the heavenly order of life, here and now.

A message from the series “High Expectations, High Grace.” Mission is about both the social order AND souls, for us Wesleyans. We mustn’t feel the need the select an isolated definition, but rather we are encouraged to adopt a new framework by starting with the end in mind. Turn your attention to the biblical theme of “Heaven on Earth”. Someday, the glory of united souls with God and righteous justice of the social order will all coalesce in the reality of the pure and holy reign of God’s kingdom made fully manifest here on earth. Until Jesus returns, our deep calling within the missio dei is to work to bring about as much of the heavenly order of life, here and now.

A message from the series “Acts.” Acts 7-8