Message: “Heaven on Earth – Contemporary 9:30 AM” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Jimmy Decker - January 7, 2024

What is God’s Mission: Given to Us - Contemporary 9:30 AM

God creates humanity out of love and gives us a call to follow God. Not only does he call us to follow him, but he invites us to participate in some of the work he does! We learn something poignant about the nature of God by his invitation for us to be co-creators (populate the earth) and missionaries on his behalf, despite our sin. This means God can and will use imperfect people! We matter to God. To spread the good news to the corners of the earth,as Jesus commands his disciples after he is resurrected, we must first come to know the good news message. Secondly, we must transform our worldview to see ourselves as “on mission” in spreading this message. God could have easily kept his own mission for himself... but that is not the case. The heart of God, as revealed in scripture AND in Jesus, desires to include and call us into mission.

From Series: "Missio Dei"

From the very beginning of scripture, we see that God creates with purpose and out of love. The purpose for the humans, who he makes in his image, is to carry forth the mission of God. The Latin phrase is “missio dei”, which translates into “the mission of God”. In this series, we will discover the robust meaning of “mission” according to scripture, and why it matters for us today.

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