Message: “Heaven on Earth – Contemporary 9:30 AM” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Arthur Jones - January 28, 2024

Souls - Traditional 9:30 AM

Sometimes we get so laser-focused on treating “mission” like a check-list... as if it is something that we can “accomplish”. The reality is that the missio dei from God incorporates so much more than this. God’s mission is about redeeming the world from the brokenness of sin and reconciling all of creation back to himself. God creates humanity out of pure love and desire... so of course it would please God for every soul to seek Him; a mutually loving relationship. How can we take inventory of how is it with our soul? Where do we notice that we are either seeking or rejecting God? No matter our response, through prevenient grace and God’s eternal love, God will never leave us. God’s mission is to seek and save the lost.

From Series: "Missio Dei"

From the very beginning of scripture, we see that God creates with purpose and out of love. The purpose for the humans, who he makes in his image, is to carry forth the mission of God. The Latin phrase is “missio dei”, which translates into “the mission of God”. In this series, we will discover the robust meaning of “mission” according to scripture, and why it matters for us today.

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