Message: “Heaven on Earth – Contemporary 9:30 AM” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Jimmy Decker - February 4, 2024

Heaven on Earth - Contemporary 9:30 AM

Missio Dei

Mission is about both the social order AND souls, for us Wesleyans. We mustn’t feel the need the select an isolated definition, but rather we are encouraged to adopt a new framework by starting with the end in mind. Turn your attention to the biblical theme of “Heaven on Earth”. Someday, the glory of united souls with God and righteous justice of the social order will all coalesce in the reality of the pure and holy reign of God’s kingdom made fully manifest here on earth. Until Jesus returns, our deep calling within the missio dei is to work to bring about as much of the heavenly order of life, here and now.

From Series: "Missio Dei"

From the very beginning of scripture, we see that God creates with purpose and out of love. The purpose for the humans, who he makes in his image, is to carry forth the mission of God. The Latin phrase is “missio dei”, which translates into “the mission of God”. In this series, we will discover the robust meaning of “mission” according to scripture, and why it matters for us today.

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