Message: “Engaging in the Cruciform Life – Contemporary 9:30 AM” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Arthur Jones - March 3, 2024

Engaging in the Eucharist - Traditional 9:30 AM

Sharing meals together is evident in scripture as a sort of bonding and friendship among Christians. During Lent, we are focused on the major mealtime story in the Gospels – the institution of Holy Communion. Jesus’ giving of himself is one of the greatest pinnacles of the Missio Dei. This is why the church calls it “Celebrating” Holy Communion – because it is truly one of the greatest gifts and gestures from God in the whole of the world. Every time we come to this table of bread and juice, we are reminded that God’s mission is one of high expectations of a Messiah, who exhibited high grace for his beloved creation.

From Series: "High Expectations, High Grace"

We started off the year by understanding what the “Missio Dei” (God’s Mission) is. So now, it is essential that we carry this into our own everyday lives! ‘High Expectations, High Grace’ is all about the ways in which we embrace and embody the Missio Dei... otherwise put, how we “walk the talk”! Throughout scripture, it is clear that God calls his people to active, engaged, involved lives on mission. Join us, as we learn the spiritual rhythms and essential parts of our Christian faith that put into practice all we have learned about the Missio Dei – God’s mission for us and the world!

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