Message: “Engaging in Giving – Contemporary 11:00 AM” from Rev. Arthur Jones

Rev. Arthur Jones - March 17, 2024

Engaging in Giving - Contemporary 11:00 AM

There is an interesting connection between our faith and finances, as the Bible goes into great length about the call to wisely steward resources, to give generously, and consider the needs of others. There is a softening of our hearts and humbling of ourselves when we take inventory and ask God to show us how we can best support others. Lent is not a time of excess, but rather a time of carefully identifying specific ways to live sacrificially – including our giving.

From Series: "High Expectations, High Grace"

We started off the year by understanding what the “Missio Dei” (God’s Mission) is. So now, it is essential that we carry this into our own everyday lives! ‘High Expectations, High Grace’ is all about the ways in which we embrace and embody the Missio Dei... otherwise put, how we “walk the talk”! Throughout scripture, it is clear that God calls his people to active, engaged, involved lives on mission. Join us, as we learn the spiritual rhythms and essential parts of our Christian faith that put into practice all we have learned about the Missio Dei – God’s mission for us and the world!

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