Message: “11:00 AM Contemporary” from Rev. Arthur Jones

Rev. Arthur Jones - October 15, 2023

Who is Your Neighbor? - Contemporary 11:00 AM

One of the most striking themes of Jesus’ teachings in the original context is that of loving one’s neighbor so thoroughly, honestly, and genuinely – which is how we are prone to love ourselves. Especially when Jesus preaches the expansion of his ministry will be for the gentiles, the non-Jewish people, as well. Let’s try to imagine how radical this message was for the first hearers. Not only did Jesus preach the need to love one’s neighbor, but that it was right up there with the first commandment of loving God. The Jewish believers of this time would have known the command from Deuteronomy 6, to love the Lord their God with everything in them. That is not a new message for them. However, to hear the story of the Good Samaritan, or the command to love one’s neighbor… must have brought a convicting sting, for many of them (and us) struggle to do so. Through the connecting of dots between Old Testament laws and New Testament sermons, Jesus exemplifies the defining attribute of God: love. Now, it is up to us to strive to embrace and practice this command ourselves.  

From Series: "Jesus Preaches"

These are the key themes of Jesus’ preaching during his adult ministry in Israel. As the long-awaited Messiah, you would think people would be eager to hear his sermons, right? Many times, Jesus is met with reluctance, confusion, or skepticism from the majority of religious leaders and onlookers. However, for those who meet Jesus and believe, their lives are transformed. Let’s explore the themes, many of which connect us to those of the Old Testament, which are woven into Jesus’ preaching as he ushers in the Kingdom of Heaven to a world so desperately needing it. These stories and lessons bring a new hope and perspective that ground our hope in Jesus. 

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