Message: “9:30 AM Traditional ” from Rev. Arthur Jones

Rev. Arthur Jones - October 22, 2023

The Narrow Path - Contemporary 11:00 AM

This week our scriptures include excerpts of Jesus’ preaching that are less than clear. Have you ever wondered why many of these Biblical teachings include everyday objects, settings, or items? In Jesus’ day, a speaker needed to have oratory skills in conveying a message with enough interest and relatability that it can be remembered, so to then be passed down orally to the next person. When Jesus is on the mount, preaching his famous sermon documented in Matthew 5-7, he speaks about ordinary settings and items, like a gate on a road. There are times in scripture when it is when it is important for us to take the bible seriously, but not literally. This is one of them. Jesus’ preaching of the narrow gate and the road to leads to life, is attractive. The phrase of “life” in this sense, is to highlight the abundant life (John 10:10) that Jesus. This is referring to the flourishing, sustaining, growing, and nourishing life that is found when we have faith in Christ. The narrow gate addresses the reality that we have a choice to make when living day to day… we can choose to follow Jesus or not. It is not a promise that the decision will always be easy, but for those who do choose God, it will always be worth it.  

From Series: "Jesus Preaches"

These are the key themes of Jesus’ preaching during his adult ministry in Israel. As the long-awaited Messiah, you would think people would be eager to hear his sermons, right? Many times, Jesus is met with reluctance, confusion, or skepticism from the majority of religious leaders and onlookers. However, for those who meet Jesus and believe, their lives are transformed. Let’s explore the themes, many of which connect us to those of the Old Testament, which are woven into Jesus’ preaching as he ushers in the Kingdom of Heaven to a world so desperately needing it. These stories and lessons bring a new hope and perspective that ground our hope in Jesus. 

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