Message: “11:00 PM Traditional – Christmas Eve” from Rev. Jimmy Decker

Rev. Jimmy Decker - November 19, 2023

Thankfulness - Contemporary 9:30 AM

There are people in our lives that are truly gifts. They bless us in many ways and we know that they are special. We often are taught to express our gratitude to that person directly (which is great), but how frequently do we remember to thank God for these people? How might our relationship (both with the person and) with God change, when we go to him in prayer of thanksgiving for the people in our lives? God has given us every good thing, including the people we have grown to love. We are thankful for you, our congregation. It is a blessing to serve with and for you in this Church that God has called us all to. Thanks be to God for this amazing place, community, congregation, staff, and support who all pour into God’s vision for this Church to worship him.

From Series: "Thankfulness"

Jesus gave thanks for God the Father many times in scripture, showing us the way to worship. The psalms span a variety of emotions, but one of the most consistent themes included in these prayers is “thanksgiving”. By following this pattern in our own prayer lives, we can rightly orient ourselves to God. We are made for worshiping God. Lifting up ourselves and rightly framing the posture of our hearts towards giving thanks to God will result in changes in our daily lives and activities. In God we live, move, and have our being... so of course, we owe and desire to express our gratitude to God. Prayer changes things, and prayer changes us.

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