Confirmation Class

Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes to respond to God’s grace with intentional commitment, publicly reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation. Confirmands are youth in the 8th grade who learn about the meaning of the Christian faith, the history and teachings of the United Methodist Church, and an explanation of the baptismal and membership vows they will be professing.

Our next Student Confirmation Class will begin in January 2023 and the class will be confirmed in May of 2023. Registration now open! REGISTER FOR STUDENT CONFIRMATION

Confirmation Parent Class

Sundays, January 22 – May 14, 9:30-10:30 a.m., Room 131
Join with other parents of Confirmands in this class designed to give you an inside view of what your Confirmands are learning each week. Build relationships with other parents while also journeying alongside your Confirmand, providing you with great discussion points for further conversation outside of class. REGISTER FOR STUDENT CONFIRMATION