Unity and Diversity in God’s Kingdom II

It is easy to miss the transition from Paul’s 2nd journey to his 3rd in Acts 18 (verses 22 & 23). During the course of this 3rd journey (map), Paul writes several letters to Christian communities he founded, including the house churches in Corinth, where a plethora of issues and problems have arisen. Not surprisingly Paul begins the letter we know as 1 Corinthians with a call for unity (1:10-17). It will not be the last time Paul urges unity in this long letter. Further, Paul also urges the Corinthians to remember that the cross reveals God’s power and wisdom, set against the views of the world. This is, in part, why it is so hard for us to remain united and lift up the enduring truths of God’s work set forth in the pages of Scripture. The Gospel is profoundly counter-cultural; it is the world turned upside-down.
Rev. Arthur Jones | 09/25/2022 | 9:30 Traditional
Rev. Arthur Jones | 09/25/2022 | 11:00 Contemporary
- Date: 09/24/2022 - 09/25/2022
- 09/25/2022 9:30 Rev. Arthur Jones | Traditional
- 09/25/2022 11:00 Rev. Arthur Jones | Contemporary