At St. Andrew, we are a community of people seeking to live more like Jesus every day and to learn in deeper ways what it means to follow his teachings, live in community, and serve the world.

Beckye Brown, 214-291-8075, bbrown@standrewmethodist.org Connie Robertson, 214-291-8004, crobertson@standrewmethodist.org
All Adults at St. Andrew, small group leaders and members, as well as individuals have access to the St. Andrew Resource Library.
Yes, we ask that you create your own individual login. This will allow us to better serve the St. Andrew community by knowing where the materials are being used.
Absolutely! The Adult Ministries Office, Room 240, is open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. It is not open on Friday-Sunday. For times when the office is closed, we hope you will find the online tool, Librarika, to be a convenient option.
Button CTAWe will work with you to find a place in the church during building hours to leave the materials for you to pick up.
The Adult Ministries team at St. Andrew will receive the request and notify you when the materials are ready for you to pick up. We will make every effort to make the materials available to you as soon as possible, usually within one or two business days.
Because the needs of the member or the group may vary, materials can be issued for whatever amount of time is needed. We simply ask that you provide us with an estimated date of return.
Yes! When you log in to your account, Librarika allows you to track all the materials that have been issued to you and when they are due. You will also receive email reminders to help you stay current.
A member of the Adult Ministries team will contact you to let you know the expected date of return of the materials you are requesting. At that time, you may wish to keep your reservation or make another selection from our Adult Ministries Library. If the study appears to be in high demand, we may consider adding additional copies to the St. Andrew Resource Library.
We would be happy to purchase new materials for you or reimburse you for the cost of materials you would like added to the St. Andrew Resource Library. Resources commonly used by St. Andrew include Cokesbury, Amazon, Mardel, and LifeWay. We simply ask that you contact our Adult team before purchasing any new materials.